


Last Updated: 6 April  2014

MASTER INDEX of articles written, posted online, or recommended by Alex Paterson


In late 2013 I was contracted by an African Airline to test fly an African registered B737-400 following completion of the aircraft's 'C' check.  The aircraft owner provided me with a copy of a 'Check Flight Sequence' (i.e. test flight procedure) produced by the United Kingdom (UK) CAA titled 'CFS 254 issue 1'. 

Careful reading of 'CFS 254 issue 1' revealed a number of anomalies which are listed below.  For my own safety and that of my crew I elected to rewrite the document in order to clarify the anomalies I believe exist within the document and reformat it to make it easier to read whilst carrying out the Check Flight Sequence.

For understandable reasons associated with legal liability, the UK CAA refused to engage in any correspondence regarding alleged mistakes within 'CFS 254 issue 1', although I did speak by telephone with an officer from the relevant section within the CAA who was polite but unable to make any official comment pertaining to the same.


  1. 'CFS 254 issue 1' contains no Index. 
  1. Source of the information associated with 'CFS 254 issue 1' 'GA Thrust Setting For Acceleration Check' graphs (Figures 1A and 1B) is not listed.
  1. Source of the information in Stall Speed table (Table 1) is not listed and there is a discrepancy between the speeds listed in 'CFS 254 issue 1' and those obtained from Boeing 'B737-400 Airplane Flight Manual Revision 10 to D6-8734.4362 dated 05-16-11. '  Thus for example;
  1. There are no instructions, nor provision, in 'CFS 254 issue 1' to record engine parameters during full power takeoff.
  1. There are no instructions in 'CFS 254 issue 1' to shutdown engines in accordance with QRH 'Engine Shutdown Procedure'.  Same goes for 'Engine re-lights'.
  1. There are no instructions, nor reminder, in 'CFS 254 issue 1' to carryout a 'Performance Climb' after each engine shutdown, even though Performance Climb data is required to be recorded on the 'Test Flight Certificate'.
  1. With regard to 'Performance Climb' there are no references, nor information in 'CFS 254 issue 1' with regard to:
  1. There is no specific reminder in 'CFS 254 issue 1' to re-check the correct functioning of crew oxygen masks prior to exceeding 10,000' cabin altitude during Pressurisation Check.
  1. There is an instruction in 'CFS 254 issue 1' to "record Cabin Altitude when stabilised (7750 to 8250 feet)" whilst aircraft is below FL200.  This instruction is meaningless as normal cabin altitude below FL200 is less than 1000 feet.  This check needs to be carried out at max flight altitude of FL370. (see point 10 below)
  1. High altitude checks in 'CFS 254 issue 1' are all performed at FL350.  Aircraft needs to be climbed to max altitude FL370 in order to conduct the max cabin altitude check. (7750 to 8250 feet)
  1. 'CFS 254 issue 1' Flap 30° Stall Warning Check is conducted with No. 1 Stall Warning CB tripped, but the check is not repeated with No. 2 Stall Warning CB tripped. It seems illogical that No. 2 Stall Warning System is checked whereas No. 1 Stall Warning System is not checked.  Stall Warning System No. 1 is powered by the STBY electrical power busses and is therefore the more important system to check. 

CHECK FLIGHT SEQUENCE written by Alex Paterson

All the above anomalies have been addressed in the re-write of the document carried out by myself.

Pilots are reminded that the 'Check Flight Sequence' written by myself has not been checked, nor approved, by any civil aviation regulatory authority and therefore should only be used as an information resource in conjunction with an official 'Check Flight Sequence' (CFS) document. 

The author accepts no responsibility for any mistakes that may be contained within the document.

Readers are asked to advise Alex Paterson of any mistakes, or discrepancies within the document.

 Link to B737-400 'Check Flight Sequence' by Alex Paterson as a PDF document (2.3mb)

Alex Paterson (2014)




Climb Gradient Table by Alex Paterson


Alex PATERSON is an Australian airline pilot. He writes articles and advises on issues pertaining to aviation, politics, sociology, the environment, sustainable farming, history, computers, natural health therapies and spirituality.

He can be contacted at:

Photograph of Alex Paterson


There is no copyright claimed by the author with regard to the document 'B737-400 Check Flight Sequence'

Additional keywords: Test Flight Procedure, Test Flight Sequence, B737-400 Test Flight Procedure, B737-400 Test Flight Sequence, B737-400 Check Flight Procedure, B734 Test Flight Procedure, B734 Test Flight Sequence, B734 Check Flight Sequence, B734 Check Flight Procedure