Updated: 11 March 2008
INDEX of articles written, posted
online or recommended by Alex Paterson
Newtonian Physics theory is based on the late 17th century notion that the Universe is made up of solid objects which are attracted towards each other by a force called 'Gravity'. This theory was extended in the 19th century to include atoms as being the fundamental building blocks of nature. Newton's Laws of Motion (Newtonian Mechanics) successfully described the motions of planets, mechanical machines and fluids and this success gave rise to the notion that the laws of Newtonian Physics were basic laws of nature and as such were immutable. (i.e. fixed) According to Newtonian Physics, the universe is a huge mechanical system of solid objects based on absolute (fixed) time and three (3) dimensional space (i.e. height, length and width) and as such is linear. (uniform)
Newtonian physics (although interestingly enough, not Newton himself) maintained that everything in existence could be described "objectively" because all phenomena were strictly a result of the physical interactions of all its physical parts. (this includes chemistry) In over words, the universe was considered strictly deterministic and causal in nature. Newtonian Physics was formulated prior to the discovery of Electricity and Field Theory 1 (i.e. the theory pertaining to Energy/Matter interactions) or Nuclear Physics as postulated by Einstein in 1905 associated with his Special Theory of Relativity. 2 As such, Newtonian Physics cannot describe either the phenomena of electricity or nuclear reactions or the recent concepts of Quantum Mechanics 3 that in essence the physical universe is just a myriad of "tendencies to exist" associated with a vast interconnected energy field.
The concept of an infinite, multi-dimensional, interconnected Universe in which experimenters affect the results of their experiments by their mere presence (i.e. the observer effect) 4 is simply beyond the paradigm of Newtonian Physics.
Despite the fundamental flaws in the theory, the Newtonian view of the universe is embraced by most humans today as 'fact' simply because it describes most day-to-day physical phenomena so well and is based upon the notion of a fixed 'solid' Universe, something that most humans find very comforting. This has led most people to subconsciously view their world, including their physical bodies, as solid mechanical objects and that all phenomena, including human consciousness, are the direct result of the interactions of the so-called separate 'mechanical' parts comprising them.
As a result of their day to day experiences, most humans interpret reality in terms of Newtonian three (3) dimensional space and linear time, in which everything is perceived as being separate from everything else. As such they are always looking out from themselves for their experiences in life, including solace and comfort, and in the process lose sight of the deeper human experience that lies within , and the essential interconnectedness (ONENESS) and multi-dimensional, infinite nature of reality.
In other words, most people today embrace an incomplete and simplistic view of reality because that is all they are aware of, or can relate to directly, much in the same way that human societies 500 years ago related to a flat earth, and anyone who had the temerity to suggest otherwise was invariably burnt at the stake.
Based in part on Barbara Brennan's 'Hands of Light' (P21)
1. See: PHYSICS FIELD THEORY by Alex Paterson
4. See: THE OBSERVER EFFECT by Alex Paterson
Copyright © Alex Paterson 1999
INDEX of articles written, posted
online or recommended by Alex Paterson
Alex PATERSON is an Australian citizen by birth. He writes articles and advises on issues pertaining to aviation, politics, sociology, the environment, sustainable farming, history, computers, natural health therapies and spirituality.
He can be contacted at:
of Alex Paterson
The document, 'Newtonian Physics' is the copyright © of the author, Alex Paterson. All rights reserved by the author. Notwithstanding this, the document may be reproduced and disseminated without the express permission of the author so long as reference to the author is made, no alterations are made to the document and no money is charged for it.