Updated: 11 March 2008
INDEX of articles written, posted
online or recommended by Alex Paterson
By early 19th century, electromagnetic phenomena were being discovered which couldn't be explained by Newtonian Physics theory 1 and led to the concepts associated with Electromagnetic Field Theory as postulated by Faraday and Maxwell among others. A 'field' was defined as "a condition in space which has the potential to produce a force". Field Theory gave rise to the concept of a universe filled with fields that create forces that interact with each other, a view now widely accepted by mainstream science.
'Field Theory' provides a scientific framework to begin to recognise and accept as 'real' the phenomena experienced by most humans, that being the ability to sense the presence and 'vibes' of other people (living or dead) and places, and the ability of some people actually to pick up the thoughts of other people.
Based on Barbara Brennan's, 'The Hands of Light' (P22)
Copyright © Alex Paterson 1999
INDEX of articles written, posted
online or recommended by Alex Paterson.
Alex PATERSON is an Australian citizen by birth. He writes articles and advises on issues pertaining to aviation, politics, sociology, the environment, sustainable farming, history, computers, natural health therapies and spirituality.
He can be contacted at:
of Alex Paterson
The document, 'Physics Field Theory' is the copyright © of the author, Alex Paterson. All rights reserved by the author. Notwithstanding this, the document may be reproduced and disseminated without the express permission of the author so long as reference to the author is made, no alterations are made to the document and no money is charged for it.